Già 13 i Paesi dell’Ue che hanno siglato un memorandum di intesa con la Cina, mentre un altro, oltre all’Italia, lo sta negoziando. Si tratta di Bulgaria, Croazia, Repubblica Ceca, Estonia, Ungheria, Grecia, Lettonia, Lituania, Malta, Polonia, Portogallo, Slovacchia e Slovenia. Lussemburgo è invece in trattativa
Il governo della Repubblica italiana e il governo della Repubblica popolare cinese (d’ora in poi denominati “controparti”), nella prospettiva di promuovere una collaborazione pratica bilaterale; nell’accogliere favorevolmente le conclusioni del Forum sulla cooperazione internazionale della Via della Seta, tenutosi a Pechino nel maggio 2017; nel riconoscere l’importanza e i benefici derivanti da una migliorata connettività tra l’Asia e l’Europa e il ruolo che l’iniziativa della Via della Seta può svolgere in questo ambito; ricordando il comunicato congiunto emanato dalla Tavola rotonda dei capi di stato del Forum per la collaborazione internazionale della Via della Seta; ricordando il piano di azione per il rafforzamento della collaborazione economica, commerciale, culturale e scientifica tra l’Italia e la Cina 2017-2020, stipulato a Pechino nel maggio 2017; ricordando il comunicato congiunto emanato dal 9° Comitato intergovernativo Italia-Cina, tenutosi a Roma il 25 gennaio 2019, e l’impegno espresso in quella sede per promuovere il partenariato bilaterale in uno spirito di rispetto reciproco, uguaglianza e giustizia, a reciproco beneficio, nella prospettiva di una solidarietà globale rafforzata; consapevoli del passato storico comune sviluppato attraverso le vie di comunicazione per via di terra e di mare che collegano Asia e Europa e del ruolo tradizionale dell’Italia come punto di approdo della Via della Seta marittima; ribadendo il loro impegno a onorare i principi e le finalità della Carta delle Nazioni Unite e promuovere la crescita inclusiva e lo sviluppo sostenibile, in linea con l’Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile e gli accordi di Parigi sui cambiamenti climatici; ricordando inoltre gli obiettivi fissati dall’Agenda strategica per la collaborazione Unione Europea-Cina 2020, e i principi guida della Strategia dell’Unione Europea per collegare Europa e Asia adottata nell’ottobre 2018; hanno raggiunto la seguente intesa:
Paragrafo I: Obiettivi e principi guida per la collaborazione.
1. Le controparti si impegnano a lavorare insieme nel progetto della Via della Seta (Belt and Road Initiative – BRI) per trasformare in vantaggi le reciproche forze complementari, nell’ottica di una cooperazione pratica e crescita sostenibile, appoggiando le sinergie tra la Via della Seta e le priorità identificate nel Piano di investimento per l’Europa e le reti trans-europee, e altresì tenendo presenti le discussioni riguardanti la Piattaforma per la connettività Unione Europea-Cina. Questo consentirà inoltre alle controparti di rafforzare i loro rapporti politici, i loro legami commerciali e gli scambi tra i popoli. Le controparti si impegnano a rafforzare la collaborazione e a promuovere la connettività regionale in un quadro di riferimento aperto, inclusivo ed equilibrato, i cui benefici si estenderanno a tutte le parti, in modo da promuovere nella regione pace, sicurezza, stabilità e sviluppo sostenibile.
Paragrafo I: Obiettivi e principi guida per la collaborazione.
1. Le controparti si impegnano a lavorare insieme nel progetto della Via della Seta (Belt and Road Initiative – BRI) per trasformare in vantaggi le reciproche forze complementari, nell’ottica di una cooperazione pratica e crescita sostenibile, appoggiando le sinergie tra la Via della Seta e le priorità identificate nel Piano di investimento per l’Europa e le reti trans-europee, e altresì tenendo presenti le discussioni riguardanti la Piattaforma per la connettività Unione Europea-Cina. Questo consentirà inoltre alle controparti di rafforzare i loro rapporti politici, i loro legami commerciali e gli scambi tra i popoli. Le controparti si impegnano a rafforzare la collaborazione e a promuovere la connettività regionale in un quadro di riferimento aperto, inclusivo ed equilibrato, i cui benefici si estenderanno a tutte le parti, in modo da promuovere nella regione pace, sicurezza, stabilità e sviluppo sostenibile.
2. Le controparti si impegnano a promuovere la collaborazione bilaterale in base ai seguenti principi:
(i) Guidate dalle finalità e dai principi contenuti nella Carta dell’ONU, le controparti lavoreranno per sviluppo e prosperità reciproche, basate sulla fiducia reciproca e spirito di collaborazione:
(ii) Nel rispetto delle leggi e normative nazionali, coerenti con i rispettivi obblighi internazionali, le controparti si impegnano a promuovere l’avanzamento dei loro progetti di collaborazione;
(iii) Le controparti si impegnano a esplorare le sinergie e ad assicurare coerenza e complementarietà con i meccanismi esistenti di cooperazione bilaterali e multilaterali e con le piattaforme di cooperazione regionale.
Paragrafo II: Aree di cooperazione.
Le controparti si impegnano a collaborare nelle seguenti aree:
1. Dialogo sulle politiche. Le controparti promuoveranno le sinergie e rafforzeranno le strutture di comunicazione e coordinamento. Stimoleranno il dibattito sulle politiche da adottare nelle iniziative di connettività e sugli standard tecnici e normativi. Le controparti lavoreranno assieme alla Banca di investimento asiatica per le infrastrutture (AIIB) per favorire la connettività nel rispetto delle finalità e delle funzioni della Banca.
2. Trasporti, logistica e infrastrutture. Le controparti condividono una visione comune sul miglioramento dei trasporti, affinchè siano accessibili, sicuri, inclusivi e sostenibili. Le controparti collaboreranno allo sviluppo della connettività delle infrastrutture, tra cui investimenti, logistica e inter-operatività, nelle aree di interesse reciproco (come strade, ferrovie, ponti, aviazione civile, porti, energia – tra cui fonti rinnovabili e gas naturale – e telecomunicazioni). Le controparti esprimono il loro interesse nello sviluppo di sinergie tra la Via della Seta, il sistema italiano di trasporti e infrastrutture, come – tra gli altri – strade, ferrovie, ponti, aviazione civile e porti e la Rete trans-europea dei trasporti dell’Unione Europea (TEN-T). Le controparti accoglieranno favorevolmente ogni dibattito nel quadro della Piattaforma di connettività tra l’Unione Europea e la Cina, per migliorare l’efficienza della connettività tra Europa e Cina. Le controparti si impegnano a collaborare nel facilitare il disbrigo delle operazioni doganali, rafforzando la cooperazione nelle soluzioni di trasporto sostenibile, sicuro e digitale, come pure per quel che riguarda investimenti e finanziamenti. Le controparti ribadiscono l’importanza di stabilire procedure di appalto aperte, trasparenti e non discriminatorie.
3. Rimuovere ogni ostacolo al commercio e agli investimenti. Le controparti si impegnano a estendere gli investimenti bilaterali e i flussi commerciali, la cooperazione industriale come pure la cooperazione nei mercati di paesi terzi, esplorando i sistemi per promuovere una robusta cooperazione a beneficio reciproco. Le controparti riaffermano l’impegno condiviso per realizzare scambi commerciali e investimenti aperti e liberi, per contrastare gli eccessivi squilibri macroeconomici, e opporsi all’unilateralismo e al protezionismo. Nell’ambito della Via della Seta, le controparti si impegnano a promuovere commercio e cooperazione industriale in modo aperto, libero, trasparente e non discriminatorio; appalti trasparenti; parità di condizioni e rispetto dei diritti di proprietà intellettuale. Le controparti si impegnano a studiare sistemi di collaborazione e partenariato più stretti e di vantaggio reciproco, promuovendo la cooperazione triangolare e quella nord-sud, sud-sud.
4. Collaborazione finanziaria. Le controparti rafforzeranno le comunicazioni e il coordinamento bilaterale su politiche di riforma fiscale, finanziaria e strutturale, in modo da creare un ambiente favorevole alla collaborazione economica e finanziaria, anche tramite l’avvio di un Dialogo finanziario Italia-Cina, tra il ministro dell’economia e della finanza della Repubblica italiana e il ministro delle finanze della Repubblica popolare cinese.
Le controparti favoriranno il partenariato tra le rispettive istituzioni finanziarie per sostenere congiuntamente la cooperazione in materia di investimenti e finanziamenti, a livello bilaterale e multilaterale e verso paesi terzi, nell’ambito dell’iniziativa della Via della Seta.
5. Connettività tra persone. Le controparti si impegnano a favorire ed espandere gli scambi interpersonali, a sviluppare la rete di gemellaggio tra le città, e a sfruttare appieno la piattaforma dei Meccanismi di cooperazione culturale tra l’Italia e la Cina per portare a termine il gemellaggio tra i siti UNESCO dei rispettivi paesi, allo scopo di promuovere la collaborazione su istruzione, cultura, scienze, innovazione, salute, turismo e benessere pubblico tra le rispettive amministrazioni. Le controparti favoriranno scambi e collaborazione tra le rispettive autorità locali, mezzi di comunicazione, think tank, università e giovani.
6. Cooperazione allo sviluppo nel rispetto dell’ambiente. Le controparti si impegnano a sostenere pienamente l’obiettivo di sviluppare la connettività tramite un approccio sostenibile ed ecologico, promuovendo attivamente la tendenza globale verso lo sviluppo ecologico, circolare e a basse emissioni di carbonio. Con questo spirito condiviso, le controparti collaboreranno nel campo della protezione ambientale, dei cambiamenti climatici ed altre aree di reciproco interesse. Le controparti si impegnano a condividere le loro idee sullo sviluppo sostenibile e a promuovere attivamente le direttive dell’Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile e gli accordi di Parigi sui cambiamenti climatici. Il ministero per l’ambiente, il territorio e il mare della Repubblica italiana parteciperà attivamente alla Coalizione internazionale per lo sviluppo ecologico sulla Via della Seta, già avviato dal ministero dell’ecologia e dell’ambiente della Repubblica popolare cinese, in sintonia con il programma ambientale delle Nazioni Unite (UNEP).
Paragrafo III: Modalità di cooperazione.
1. Le modalità di cooperazione potrebbero includere le seguenti, ma senza che siano imposti imposti limiti o restrizioni:
(i) Lo scambio di visite e dibattiti ad alto livello all’interno dei meccanismi di scambio governativi e non governativi. Le controparti metteranno a disposizione reciprocamente le informazioni raccolte nei più svariati campi e su canali multipli, allo scopo di aumentare la trasparenza e incoraggiare la partecipazione di cittadini provenienti da tutti i settori della società;
(ii) Le controparti studieranno lo sviluppo di programmi pilota nelle aree chiave, negli scambi economici e nella cooperazione, nella ricerca congiunta, nello sviluppo delle capacità, negli scambi e nella formazione del personale.
2. Le controparti si impegnano a esplorare i modelli di cooperazione a vantaggio reciproco per sostenere le principali iniziative nell’ambito della Via della Seta. Le controparti seguiranno i principi del mercato, promuoveranno la cooperazione tra capitale pubblico e privato, incoraggeranno gli investimenti e il supporto finanziario attraverso approcci diversificati. Le controparti ribadiscono il loro impegno verso investimenti che siano sostenibili, sotto il profilo sociale e ambientale, e fattibili economicamente.
3. Le controparti si impegnano a esplorare congiuntamente tutte le opportunità di cooperazione tra Italia e Cina e di possibile cooperazione in paesi terzi. Le controparti si impegnano a rispettare modi di cooperazione che siano a beneficio di tutti i partecipanti e ad adottare progetti che siano a vantaggio dei paesi terzi, favorendo le loro priorità in termini di sviluppo e le esigenze della loro popolazione, assicurandosi che siano validi e sostenibili sotto il profilo fiscale, sociale, economico e ambientale.
4. Le rispettive autorità competenti delle controparti potranno siglare accordi di collaborazione in settori specifici, anche per la creazione di strutture specifiche di collaborazione.
Paragrafo IV: Meccanismo di cooperazione.
Le controparti sfrutteranno appieno i meccanismi bilaterali già esistenti per sviluppare la cooperazione nell’ambito dell’iniziativa della Via della Seta.
La commissione governativa Italia-Cina avrà il compito di monitorare lo svolgimento e i futuri sviluppi del presente accordo.
Paragrafo V: Risoluzione delle controversie.
Le controparti si impegnano a risolvere amichevolmente tutte le controversie derivanti dall’interpretazione di questo documento di intesa tramite incontri diretti.
Paragraph VI: Legislazione applicabile.
Questo documento d’intesa non costituisce un accordo internazionale che potrebbe portare all’applicazione di diritti e obblighi sotto la legge internazionale. Nessuna parte di questo documento è da considerare come base di impegno legale o finanziario per le controparti. Il presente documento d’intesa verrà interpretato secondo la legislazione delle controparti e la legislazione internazionale, laddove ne ricorrano i presupposti, e per la parte italiana anche secondo la normativa dell’Unione Europea.
*** Questo documento d’intesa avrà effetto dalla data della firma.
Questo documento d’intesa resterà valido per un periodo di cinque anni e sarà rinnovato automaticamente per altri periodi di cinque anni in futuro, a meno che non venga terminato da una delle controparti con comunicazione scritta con almeno tre mesi di anticipo.
Firmato a…. il….., in due originali, ognuna in lingua italiana, inglese e cinese, tutti ugualmente autentici. Nel caso di divergenze interpretative, farà fede il testo in lingua inglese.
Per il governo della Repubblica italiana Per il governo della Repubblica popolare cinese
The Government of the Italian Republic and the Government of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “the Parties”) based on the aspiration of furthering bilateral practical cooperation; Welcoming the hosting of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing in May 2017; Recognizing the importance and benefits of improving connectivity between Asia and Europe and the role that the Belt and Road Initiative can play in this respect; Recalling the Joint Communiqué of the Leaders Roundtable of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation; Recalling the Plan of Action for the Strengthening of Economic, Commercial and Cultural-scientific Cooperation between Italy and China 2017-2020 agreed in Beijing in May 2017; Recalling the Joint Communiqué of the 9th Italy-China Inter-Governmental Committee, held in Rome on January 25th, 2019 and the commitment expressed therein to promote the bilateral partnership in a spirit of mutual respect, equity and justice and in a mutually beneficial manner, in the perspective of a strengthened global solidarity; Conscious of the historical common heritage developed through the land and sea routes linking Asia and Europe and of Italy’s traditional role as terminal of the maritime Silk Road; Reiterating their commitment to honor the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and to promote inclusive growth and sustainable development, in line with the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and the Paris Accord on climate change; Recalling also the objectives set by the EU-China 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation and the principles driving the EU Strategy for Connecting Europe and Asia adopted in October 2018; have reached the following understanding:
Paragraph I: Objectives and Guiding Principles of Cooperation.
1. The Parties will work together within the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to translate mutual complementary strengths into advantages for practical cooperation and sustainable growth, supporting synergies between the Belt and Road Initiative and priorities identified in the Investment Plan for Europe and the Trans-European Networks, bearing in mind discussions in the EU China Connectivity Platform. This will also enable the Parties to enhance their political relations, economic ties, and people-to-people exchanges. The Parties will strengthen cooperation and promote regional connectivity within an open, inclusive and balanced framework beneficial to all, so as to promote regional peace, security, stability and sustainable development.
2. The Parties will promote bilateral cooperation based on the following principles:
(i) Guided by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter the Parties will work for common development and prosperity, deepened mutual trust and beneficial cooperation;
(ii) In accordance with their respective domestic laws and regulations, consistent with their respective international obligations, the Parties will strive to promote the smooth progress of their cooperation projects;
(iii) The Parties will explore synergies and ensure consistency and complementarity with existing bilateral and multilateral cooperation mechanisms and regional cooperation platforms.
Paragraph II: Areas of Cooperation.
The Participants Parties will cooperate in the following areas:
1. Policy Dialogue. The Parties will promote synergies and strengthen communication and coordination. They will enhance policy dialogue on connectivity initiatives and technical and regulatory standards. The Parties will work together within the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) to promote connectivity in accordance with the purpose and functions of the Bank.
2. Transport, logistics and infrastructure. Both Parties share a common vision about the improvement of accessible, safe, inclusive and sustainable transport. The Parties will cooperate in the development of infrastructure connectivity, including financing, interoperability and logistics, in areas of mutual interest (such as roads, railways, bridges, civil aviation, ports, energy –including renewables and natural gas- and telecommunications). The Parties express their interest in developing synergies between the Belt and Road Initiative, the Italian system of transport and infrastructure, such as -inter alia- roads, railways, bridges, civil aviation and ports and the EU Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). The Parties welcome the discussions in the framework of the EU-China Connectivity Platform to improve the efficiency of the connectivity between Europe and China. The Parties will cooperate in facilitating customs clearance, strengthening co-operation in sustainable, safe and digital transport solutions as well as in their investments and financing. The Parties highlight the importance of open, transparent, and non-discriminatory procurement procedures.
3. Unimpeded trade and investment. The Parties will work towards expanding two-way investment and trade flow, industrial cooperation as well as cooperation in third country markets, exploring ways to promote substantive mutually beneficial cooperation. The Parties reaffirm their shared commitment to free and open trade and investment, to counter excessive macroeconomic imbalances and to oppose unilateralism and protectionism. In the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative, they will promote transparent, non-discriminatory, free and open trade and industrial cooperation, an open procurement, level playing field and respect for intellectual property rights. They will explore closer and mutually beneficial collaboration and partnerships, which include advancing North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation.
4. Financial cooperation. The Parties will strengthen the bilateral communication and coordination on fiscal, financial and structural reform policies in order to create a favorable environment for economic and financial cooperation, also through considering the establishment of the a Italy-China Finance Dialogue between the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Italian Republic and the Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China. The Parties will encourage the partnerships between the respective financial institutions to jointly support investment and financing cooperation, at bilateral and multilateral level and towards the third Countries, under the framework of Belt and Road Initiative.
5. People-to-people connectivity. The Parties will endeavor to expand people-to-people exchanges, to develop their sister cities network, to fully utilize the platform of Italy - China Culture Cooperation Mechanism to cooperate for the finalization of the twinning among Italian and Chinese UNESCO world heritage sites, to promote cooperation arrangements on education, culture, science, innovation, health, tourism and public welfare among their respective Administrations. The Parties will promote exchanges and cooperation between their local authorities, media, think tanks, universities and the youth.
6. Green Development Cooperation. Both Parties are fully supportive of the objective to develop connectivity following a sustainable, environmentally friendly approach, actively promoting the global process towards green, low carbon and circular development. In this spirit, the Parties will cooperate in the field of ecological and environmental protection, climate change and other areas of mutual interest. The Parties will share ideas about green development and actively promote the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. The Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea of the Italian Republic will actively participate the International Coalition for Green Development on the Belt and Road initiated by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
Paragraph III: Modes of Cooperation.
1. Modes of cooperation may include - but are not limited to:
(i) The exchange of high-level visits and discussions within existing governmental and non-governmental exchange mechanisms. The Parties will expand information sharing in diverse fields and with multiple channels, to increase transparency and encourage the participation of people from all sectors of society.
(ii) Exploring the development of pilot programs in key areas, economic exchanges and cooperation, joint research, capacity building, personnel exchanges and training.
2. The Parties will explore mutually beneficial models of cooperation to support the implementation of major programs, under the Belt and Road Initiative. The Parties will follow market principles, promote cooperation between public and private capital, encourage investment and financing support through diversified models. Both Parties reiterate their engagement towards investments which are socially and environmentally sustainable and economically viable.
3. The Parties will jointly explore opportunities of cooperation in Italy and in China and discuss cooperation in third Countries. The Parties are committed to modes of cooperation that are advantageous to all participants and to projects that benefit third Countries by supporting their priorities in terms of development and the needs of their people, in a fiscally, socially, economically and environmentally sound and sustainable manner.
4. The relevant Authorities of the Parties may conclude arrangements for collaboration in specific sectorial fields and for the creation of specific cooperation frameworks.
Paragraph IV: Cooperation Mechanism.
The Parties will make full use of existing bilateral mechanisms to develop cooperation in the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative.
The Italy-China Government Committee will be used to monitor progress and follow up.
Paragraph V: Settlement of Differences.
The Parties will settle amicably differences in the interpretation of this Memorandum of Understanding through direct consultations.
Paragraph VI: Applicable Law.
This Memorandum of Understanding does not constitute an international agreement which may lead to rights and obligations under international law. No provision of this Memorandum is to be understood and performed as a legal or financial obligation or commitment of the Parties. This Memorandum of Understanding will be interpreted in accordance with the legislations of the Parties and as well as with applicable international law and, as for the Italian Party, with the obligations arising from its membership of the European Union.
*** This Memorandum of Understanding takes effect on the date of signature.
This Memorandum of Understanding will remain valid for a period of five years and will be automatically extended for subsequent five -year periods and so forth unless terminated by either Party by giving the other Party a written notice at least three months in advance.
Signed at XX on XX , in two originals, each in the Italian, Chinese and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of divergence of interpretation, the text in English will prevail.
For the For the Government of the Italian Government of the People’s Republic Republic of China
Paragraph I: Objectives and Guiding Principles of Cooperation.
1. The Parties will work together within the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to translate mutual complementary strengths into advantages for practical cooperation and sustainable growth, supporting synergies between the Belt and Road Initiative and priorities identified in the Investment Plan for Europe and the Trans-European Networks, bearing in mind discussions in the EU China Connectivity Platform. This will also enable the Parties to enhance their political relations, economic ties, and people-to-people exchanges. The Parties will strengthen cooperation and promote regional connectivity within an open, inclusive and balanced framework beneficial to all, so as to promote regional peace, security, stability and sustainable development.
2. The Parties will promote bilateral cooperation based on the following principles:
(i) Guided by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter the Parties will work for common development and prosperity, deepened mutual trust and beneficial cooperation;
(ii) In accordance with their respective domestic laws and regulations, consistent with their respective international obligations, the Parties will strive to promote the smooth progress of their cooperation projects;
(iii) The Parties will explore synergies and ensure consistency and complementarity with existing bilateral and multilateral cooperation mechanisms and regional cooperation platforms.
Paragraph II: Areas of Cooperation.
The Participants Parties will cooperate in the following areas:
1. Policy Dialogue. The Parties will promote synergies and strengthen communication and coordination. They will enhance policy dialogue on connectivity initiatives and technical and regulatory standards. The Parties will work together within the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) to promote connectivity in accordance with the purpose and functions of the Bank.
2. Transport, logistics and infrastructure. Both Parties share a common vision about the improvement of accessible, safe, inclusive and sustainable transport. The Parties will cooperate in the development of infrastructure connectivity, including financing, interoperability and logistics, in areas of mutual interest (such as roads, railways, bridges, civil aviation, ports, energy –including renewables and natural gas- and telecommunications). The Parties express their interest in developing synergies between the Belt and Road Initiative, the Italian system of transport and infrastructure, such as -inter alia- roads, railways, bridges, civil aviation and ports and the EU Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). The Parties welcome the discussions in the framework of the EU-China Connectivity Platform to improve the efficiency of the connectivity between Europe and China. The Parties will cooperate in facilitating customs clearance, strengthening co-operation in sustainable, safe and digital transport solutions as well as in their investments and financing. The Parties highlight the importance of open, transparent, and non-discriminatory procurement procedures.
3. Unimpeded trade and investment. The Parties will work towards expanding two-way investment and trade flow, industrial cooperation as well as cooperation in third country markets, exploring ways to promote substantive mutually beneficial cooperation. The Parties reaffirm their shared commitment to free and open trade and investment, to counter excessive macroeconomic imbalances and to oppose unilateralism and protectionism. In the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative, they will promote transparent, non-discriminatory, free and open trade and industrial cooperation, an open procurement, level playing field and respect for intellectual property rights. They will explore closer and mutually beneficial collaboration and partnerships, which include advancing North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation.
4. Financial cooperation. The Parties will strengthen the bilateral communication and coordination on fiscal, financial and structural reform policies in order to create a favorable environment for economic and financial cooperation, also through considering the establishment of the a Italy-China Finance Dialogue between the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Italian Republic and the Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China. The Parties will encourage the partnerships between the respective financial institutions to jointly support investment and financing cooperation, at bilateral and multilateral level and towards the third Countries, under the framework of Belt and Road Initiative.
5. People-to-people connectivity. The Parties will endeavor to expand people-to-people exchanges, to develop their sister cities network, to fully utilize the platform of Italy - China Culture Cooperation Mechanism to cooperate for the finalization of the twinning among Italian and Chinese UNESCO world heritage sites, to promote cooperation arrangements on education, culture, science, innovation, health, tourism and public welfare among their respective Administrations. The Parties will promote exchanges and cooperation between their local authorities, media, think tanks, universities and the youth.
6. Green Development Cooperation. Both Parties are fully supportive of the objective to develop connectivity following a sustainable, environmentally friendly approach, actively promoting the global process towards green, low carbon and circular development. In this spirit, the Parties will cooperate in the field of ecological and environmental protection, climate change and other areas of mutual interest. The Parties will share ideas about green development and actively promote the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. The Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea of the Italian Republic will actively participate the International Coalition for Green Development on the Belt and Road initiated by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
Paragraph III: Modes of Cooperation.
1. Modes of cooperation may include - but are not limited to:
(i) The exchange of high-level visits and discussions within existing governmental and non-governmental exchange mechanisms. The Parties will expand information sharing in diverse fields and with multiple channels, to increase transparency and encourage the participation of people from all sectors of society.
(ii) Exploring the development of pilot programs in key areas, economic exchanges and cooperation, joint research, capacity building, personnel exchanges and training.
2. The Parties will explore mutually beneficial models of cooperation to support the implementation of major programs, under the Belt and Road Initiative. The Parties will follow market principles, promote cooperation between public and private capital, encourage investment and financing support through diversified models. Both Parties reiterate their engagement towards investments which are socially and environmentally sustainable and economically viable.
3. The Parties will jointly explore opportunities of cooperation in Italy and in China and discuss cooperation in third Countries. The Parties are committed to modes of cooperation that are advantageous to all participants and to projects that benefit third Countries by supporting their priorities in terms of development and the needs of their people, in a fiscally, socially, economically and environmentally sound and sustainable manner.
4. The relevant Authorities of the Parties may conclude arrangements for collaboration in specific sectorial fields and for the creation of specific cooperation frameworks.
Paragraph IV: Cooperation Mechanism.
The Parties will make full use of existing bilateral mechanisms to develop cooperation in the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative.
The Italy-China Government Committee will be used to monitor progress and follow up.
Paragraph V: Settlement of Differences.
The Parties will settle amicably differences in the interpretation of this Memorandum of Understanding through direct consultations.
Paragraph VI: Applicable Law.
This Memorandum of Understanding does not constitute an international agreement which may lead to rights and obligations under international law. No provision of this Memorandum is to be understood and performed as a legal or financial obligation or commitment of the Parties. This Memorandum of Understanding will be interpreted in accordance with the legislations of the Parties and as well as with applicable international law and, as for the Italian Party, with the obligations arising from its membership of the European Union.
*** This Memorandum of Understanding takes effect on the date of signature.
This Memorandum of Understanding will remain valid for a period of five years and will be automatically extended for subsequent five -year periods and so forth unless terminated by either Party by giving the other Party a written notice at least three months in advance.
Signed at XX on XX , in two originals, each in the Italian, Chinese and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of divergence of interpretation, the text in English will prevail.
For the For the Government of the Italian Government of the People’s Republic Republic of China
Fonte: CORRIERE DELLA SERA del 12 marzo 2019
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